Saturday, February 25, 2012

No more tortillas today.....

I love Mexican food. I am sure my idea of Mexican food is more Americanized then authentic, but hey, its delicious either way.

Yes, I was a little messy with the flour this time.... Oops.

Tortillas are so easy to make they are worth the small amount of effort that goes into them.

2 cups of flour
1 cup milk
1 t salt
1 T oil
1 1/2 t baking powder

Mix all together. It should form a smooth not sticky dough. If it is sticky add more flour until you reach this consistency.

Let it sit for 20 or so minutes, then separate into balls, between 8-10 of them. Roll the balls out into flat, thin tortilla shapes (Or if you're like me any shape , since it will be far from perfect) and put on hot, flat surface.

A few minutes each side until they look done. No need to grease the pan. I use my stove top grill pan, turned over to the flat side. But really any large flat pan will work.

I use them for wraps and thin crust pizza too! You can make double or triple batches and freeze them until you need them.

Things I am thinking about doing today:

Fixing this

So I can finish this

Doing some of this

And playing with this guy

Have a great Saturday everyone!

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