Saturday, March 17, 2012

YESS!!!! Its that time :)

I LOVE my garden. Let me say that again.... I LOVE TO GARDEN.

Gotta love good dirty fun :)

This year finds me better educated on proper gardening and growing techniques, so I am even more excited! I have ordered seeds from a seed catalog, so I have a greater variety then I have ever had before.

I am starting my seeds later this year then last. But I know more this year so hopefully I will not kill most of then again.  I bought seed starting pots and organic seed starting mix. (Next year I'll save egg cartons instead of the pots, didn't think about it this year). I used some popsicle  sticks I had sitting around to label them.

On my grow list this year: (It is pretty aggressive for me)

Cherry tomatoes
Pear tomatoes
Beefsteak tomatoes
yellow summer squash
bell peppers
banana peppers
pinto beans
green beans
amaranth(leaf variety, not grain. That'll be for next year)
Brussels sprouts

I think that's it... Maybe.

I am super excited. I was intensely satisfying playing in dirt. I for one, relish a bit of dirt under the nails...

My father in law was sweet enough to get me some bails of hay for the walk ways through the garden. I never thought I'd be excited to have someone surprise me with hay. But, hey, what can I say... Hardy har

I also got some lime and sulfur (organic) to help me fix my soil. This is the kind of thing I had no idea about last year. My idea of gardening was throw it in the ground, cover with dirt. Now it is supposed to grow, right? Ha.... Oh the inexperienced gardener... Haha, from the lofty heights of a 3rd year gardener  ;) But I have learned a lot. Really. I swear.

I can't wait to start seeing the little green bits poking out of the soil!

What are you growing this year?

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