Monday, April 30, 2012

I find myself writing here less and less. I read other blogs religiously and think about this one all the time. However, I notice I more am jealous as I read the other blogs. Oh, why didn't I think of that first. That blogger has so many more readers then I do. They must have an easier life then me.

Blah blah blah....

Pity party over here.

I know that this is not true. They simply have been more dedicated to blogging every day. Either they find it therapeutic to blog, or are making money at it, or feel they have a responsibility to their readers to provide them with something to read everyday. 

I have decided to blog 5 days a week. Even if I do not feel like it, even if I am too busy, even if I think I do not have anything interesting enough to say. Here I am and Here I will be. 

I think it will be good for me. It shall (hopefully) improve my writing, and aid me with way to organize  my thoughts. Keep up with the things that are going on in my day-to-day life, and give me something to look back on in later years. A way to remember these times in my life that are floating by too quickly, never to return again. 

I may just be feeling a bit too emotional right now. Who said that you get everything you want the first time you try for it. Some times these things are hard won, sometimes they pop up accidentally. Sometimes great things are discarded. 

Yes, I believe I am in a bit of a mood today. Not a pleasant one either. This too, shall pass.

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