Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Complaints, Harvey and Winter Planting

I work full time. However I am self employed and make my own schedule. Or some days it feels like it makes me.  I always have my phone, and always am ready to jump-to it if someone calls. No fun. I long for the days when I can spend my time working outside, with nature. Not indoors with people who are just wasting my time (and money and energy).

Any ways, that's my rant for the day!

On to happier things!!!

This is Harvey

He is asleep on a pile of clothes, its one of his favorite places 

He likes to sleep. A lot. And he has decided he is a cat. 

If you drive by my house and see an 85lb bulldog in a window, that's him. He gets into all sorts of trouble and I will be sharing those stories on here! 

Winter greens

We have been having a very warm winter here in Alabama. Usually January, February and March are about the only time we feel real cold. That combined with the warmth have caused my brain to think its spring (yes I am referring to  it as its own person, who knows where else I could put the blame).

So I thought since it is so pleasant, and my earlier attempts at a winter garden we kind of a flop, I would plant some more. 

Here are the collards I planted. And see that little weed looking thing next to it? Yep, that's my spinach. (another failed attempt)

Garlic: Did you know according to custom you are supposed to plant garlic on the shortest day of the year and reap it on the longest? 

Yikes, I need to weed.....

I did mine the wrong way. This year I'll do a little better. I already missed the shortest day, but I will at least plant it on a short day, if not the shortest! I think I'll be buying some organic garlic cloves soon. Hopefully I will be able to grow enough I can save my own cloves to plant next year. 

I hope to be able to save a lot of my own seeds this year. I have saved some pumpkin and tomato seeds, we will find out in the spring how well I did. 

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