Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yesterday we....

Got to working in the garden!!!

I am so excited. We picked up some wood chips and some compost (the last time I will buy compost, next year I will have enough of my own :) and now the truck is ready to be unloaded onto by new garden plots!

The book whose ideas I am using said to make square-ish plots. But once I got this done I decided that wide rows will work just as well. If not I can always change it later.  

I threw my back out digging (stupid back) so the truck is waiting until today to be unloaded. Hopefully the ibuprofen will keep it under control. Anyone have any better ideas for my back? 

You would be my hero! I am listening if you do!!!

HH suggested I take one of his back pills and lay down to stretch it out. Since it was soooo beautiful yesterday, I brought out a blanket and laid down in the grass to stretch. 

Freakin awesome. I don't advise sunbathing (no wrinkles and skin cancer here baby) but a little(little) time in the sun can be good for you. Especially if it is filtered through the leaves, and you are being cooled by a gentle breeze..... Yum... Almost as good as going to the beach. Almost.....

Where I was

Who I was with

Harvey did come sit on my blanket for a while. He naturally assumed I had laid it down for him, since he is the boss of this house (hardy har). But soon decided I was crazy and preferred to sit in the grass in the shade. 

I felt bad that Handsome Husband was still working and I was not. But I enjoyed the view anyway ;)

The picture doesn't do justice to him. But you gotta love a man with muscle!

It seems like every year so far a well meaning nosy person has told me my plants wont work for some reason. This year I was told that since I did not have all my seedlings up and into solid plants already that I needed to give up on them and buy plants. Actually, that's what they tell me every year.

So far all my seed tomato plants and my purchased tomato plants have yielded about the same amount, and at the same time. Ha.

By the way, my first seed saving attempt has been a success so far! The yellow pear tomato seeds I saved last year are already up and going!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have a pretty yard! I love they way you made your garden rows. Harvey has such a cute face... he looks like a sweety.
    Have you tried stretching your back on a stability/exercise ball? It feels AMAZING. I always use epsom salt in a really hot bath when my back/body hurts.
    Your seedlings look great also. I think you should just keep doing what your doing. I hope you post more pics as your garden grows. I LOVE this post! OH, and muscular hubbies are the best!


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