Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A different way

So my honeysuckle infused oil did not work out the way I was hoping. I think the oil I used had too strong a scent to really pick up the honeysuckle.

So I made a po-dunk still.



I understand the basic mechanics of a still  (Umm, mostly).
So I used my tea kettle, put a decorative can on the end to gather the steam, which has a pour spout to direct the condensed steam into my dish. Then I put a bag of ice on the can to help the steam condense quickly. The honeysuckle blooms are inside the pot simmering (try not to boil, it destroys some of the nice-ness) releasing their oils and infusing the steam.

Yup, po-dunk but it worked!!!

Now I just need a lot more and I can make my own honeysuckle lotion! Hopefully I will get a little better at it and I can extract the oil from my honeysuckle scented oil/water.

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