Saturday, March 3, 2012

Homemade lotion

Lotion. Most of us use it all the time. Ever think about all the extra junk we are smearing all over our skin?

I consider myself to have a  fairly large vocabulary and  still can not pronounce half the ingredients on the average lotion bottle. Yikes! Not to mention my HH is allergic to most every artificial scent and coloring on the market. Thinking of that brings up the correlation between exposure to these and the rise in allergies to them. Maybe that's a sign we should not have this stuff on our bodies every day all day like we do now?!? 

And maybe I just like making stuff. Have ever since I was a kid. Of course, back then it was different types of mud and muddy water mixed with varying weeds and tree leaves. But, whatevs....

I found an awesome recipe here and finally broke down and tried it. I had to buy a special ingredient, emulsifying wax, which is what caused me to hesitate for so long. I prefer to only use things I think I could find in nature, and emulsifying wax is not one of them. However it is plant derived, and this lotion looks so fresh and pretty I could not resist!

Doesn't it look like something you would want to drink? I mean don't, but still... yumm..

1 1/4 cup hot water
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4 cup emulsifying wax (I bought mine here)

Melt wax with olive oil ( a minute in the microwave worked well for me)
Pour in water.

That is it.... seriously. That is all.

Pretty cool huh? It is beautiful in a jar. I have mine in a canning jar (Its what I melted the wax and oil together in) but I will probably use one of my saved glass jars that I can not use for canning. Jelly jar or something. 

It feels great and has worked to help many people out with skin issues (eczema, psoriasis). HH  and me nephew L will be my test subjects since I am lucky enough not to struggle with that. 
The lotion is creamy and not greasy at all! You can add essential oils to it for a scent if you would like. Just add it to the oil after heating it with the wax. I didn't this time so HH would use it, but I think on the next batch I'll add some of my orange oil I just got!

Wax and olive oil after melting

No special equipment. Just a good ol' coffee mug.

How does it work out price wise you may ask?


I used maybe .30 cents worth of emulsifying wax (6 ish bucks for the bag) and about .15 cents worth of olive oil. Not counting the water and jar I am at .45 cents for some kick but lotion. That works for me!!!

Can you tell it is Saturday? I have had little time for posting this week, so I am making up today! This will be the third.... hehe

Just for kicks and because they were supper yummy on home made bread. Paninis! Squished between my griddle and a cast iron skillet :)

Veggie for me and turkey for the HH


  1. Wow thanks for this! Good thing it can also works for other scents right? :) hope you can make a post about other scents

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  2. You can add any scents you like! I would add the essential oil after heating the wax and olive oil together. Then just mix like the recipe says! Depending on how strong you want the scent I would start with about 15 drops and go from there.


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