Sunday, August 19, 2012

Hello! It has been a while

It sure has been a while since my last post.

To be honest I have been EXHAUSTED between work and things going on in the home. I have thought about posting much, however have only now been able to work  up the energy to do it.

Look at who Handsome Hubby found while we were working last weekend(And a  near miss with the lawnmower)! She is safe back with her family now after a quick photo session

Aside from work there is another reason I have been so tired........ (Drum roll please)

I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yay : )

I'm super exited. And tired. And sick. And for some reason vegetables gross me out right now. And emotional.


But its a wonderful thing :)

The craziest thing is how my diet has changed. Now that I know why everything I usually eat has been grossing me out I have stopped losing weight (Which is good), however apparently preggo me has reverted to the taste buds of an unhealthy 8 year old.  Grilled cheese, french fries (preferably curly) and apples are some of the staples of my once healthy, garden based diet. Really even working in the garden is grossing me out. Weird. So weird...

Now that my little stomach bug is on his/her way it has really highlighted why we are preparing for life like we have been.

Now we are really focusing on things like cleaning, saving money, and building the addition so we have room for this little one. A 2 bedroom 1 bath is a tight fit. The long-planned addition will help things tremendously.

Happy Sunday!